Just Five Mins!
Just Five Mins!
Episode 46 - Yet more AI

Episode 46 - Yet more AI

Just Five Mins you say?  this one tracks over a little!  

Too much AI indeed.  But, what is worth it to you?

ChatGPT (not to be mistaken for "catGPT"), as we know, was the game-changing AI release a few months ago now.  There have been so many new releases of other AI based ventures of late including Google Palm2 and Gemini as well as up-coming KOSMOS-1 (and 2 coming soon) from Microsoft all aiming to hit this multi-model sweet spot.  For example, being able to interpret images, music and other abstract data.

Here are the links for this JFM for reference and a deeper dive if you need to:

7 New ChatGPT Plugins

ChatGPT just levelled up big time

Just Five Mins!
Just Five Mins!
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